Sunday, 27 February 2011

Its a birds life

Every wondered how life would be as a bird?

Little work commitments, waiter food service at the park without tipping, free rent / accommodation. No light bills or commuting costs with the added benefit of being able to see the world. How blissful. I really can think of one downside - being a possible prey!

Enjoy the Pic



  1. I wanna be able to post a topic on your blog, what you say?

  2. Go On then. You have a pic?

  3. Not yet, give me a week or so, I'll email the stuff and try not to be too controversial :-)

  4. Count me in with the birds. I have no concerns re: the economy either. The people who broke it (bankers) can also fix it, in good time. My only concern is that someone has stolen the sun! I need warmth

  5. No concerns, hmm. Not one? You're right though, it bloody cold!

  6. Can't believe I've missed the opportunity in this thread. Must be the cold weather.
