Monday, 7 February 2011

Leeds @ night

Bridgewater Place
Just woke up from my evening nap. Feel refreshed and ready to go! There are a lot of night time shots so far in this blog. Reflecting the fact that we (in the UK) are in the winter months and that I work all day indoors. I really cant wait for the summer to come along. But whilst we have the short days and long nights, I may as well make the most of it. Tonight's shot is from the roof top of my pad in the CIty Centre. At first glance you might think the skyline of a city centre would luck, dusty, mirky, dirty and unclear. But this view would suggest otherwise. I love city centre living at this stage in life. With the price of petrol so high i can utilize the gift of transportation God gave me and walk from A to B.


Enjoy the pic



  1. Love this shot!...You're right though. Hard to get decent day time shots especially when it's grey and overcast and rainy and gloomy....Find yourself looking around the house for inspiration sometimes....

  2. Exactly - Getting to work for 7.30am in the dark and getting home for 6pm in the dark, with no time in-between! I yearn for some light :-)
